Do you want to learn to work with ceramics?
Develop your art in our Ceramics School in Barcelona where you can learn, practice and exchange experiences. We offer weekly, weekend, intensive and monographic ceramic courses.
We also have a coworking space (a great option for you to practice and advance on your own what you have learned in class) and private spaces, for when ceramics is already firmly established under your skin. You can rent for short periods or set up long term.
Come and meet us or get in touch with us.
a complete infrastructure of 500m2 at your disposal
Después de haber realizado un par de cursos puedo comentar lo profesionales y amables que son. Una gran experiencia!
If you are looking for a place to learn ceramics (as a hobby, or professionally) I really recommend this place. They’ve a wide range of courses suitable for everyone. Paula and Martin are very passionate about their work and very professional. You can learn a great deal from them.
Una gran experiencia, la Paula i el Martin són fantàstics i en tan sols dos dies ens han introduït de ple en el mòn de la ceràmica. Molt recomanable!!
This is a really brilliant studio! I did a Weekend on the Wheel and just couldn’t get enough! The teachers are super informative, patient and engaging. They speak several different languages too. We learnt so much in a short space of time, great value for money.
Vaig anar a un curs de torn de cap de setmana. Em va sorprendre el molt que va cundir, i lo molt que em vaig concrentrar: de 10-16h parant sol 30 minuts per dinar i se’m va passar volant!!!! Un plaer tornar a treballar amb les mans.
Ha sigut un plaer poder fer classes de torn a elTorn Barcelona. L’espai és molt agradable, còmode i equipat. Tenen varietat de fang i esmalts i fan fornades tot sovint! Profes super professionals i maquíssimes.
Here we’ll share with you a bit of everything: current issues, history, curiosities … and you’ll be surprised as everything ends in … ceramics!
The beautiful breakage Hi again! happy to be back here... we're very inspired this month with our posts - hope you like them 🙂 This time we'll talk about Kintsugi, this ancient art of [...]
the marketing side of your ceramics
Sell your pieces and have fun with it! Hello! I hope you're well. I'd like start with a new series of posts here on the blog. With so many projects happening at the studio, [...]
firing methods
The good, the bad and the ugly of firing methods When we talk about firing methods, we’ll often talk about oxidation and reduction. Oxidation and reduction are different processes. Therefore, the same glaze can [...]
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