
Here we’ll share with you a bit of everything: current issues, history, curiosities … and you’ll be surprised as everything ends in … ceramics!

  • Cerámica reparada con oro con grietas visibles que ilustran la belleza en las imperfecciones


19 October 2023|

The beautiful breakage Hi again! happy to be back here... we're very inspired this month with our posts - hope you like them 🙂 This time we'll talk about Kintsugi, this ancient art of [...]

the marketing side of your ceramics

6 October 2023|

Sell your pieces and have fun with it! Hello! I hope you're well. I'd like start with a new series of posts here on the blog. With so many projects happening at the studio, [...]

firing methods

13 September 2023|

The good, the bad and the ugly of firing methods When we talk about firing methods, we’ll often talk about oxidation and reduction. Oxidation and reduction are different processes.  Therefore, the same glaze can [...]

  • Muestras de colores obtenidas de distintas fórmulas de esmaltes cerámicos de alta temperatura, en forma de cuencos

glazing secrets revealed

23 August 2023|

5 tips para que seas feliz en el proceso de esmaltado ¡Espero que estés bien! Este es el primer post del año. Y esta vez, tenemos un post un poco más “técnico”: hablaremos del [...]

  • Un hombre da forma a un jarrón de arcilla en un taller de cerámica con torno, rodeados de herramientas para su elaboración.

Looking for an original job?

15 May 2023|

Few years ago, Google paid a huge sum of money to a select group of its employees to figure out which shade of blue users liked best. It sounds like a frivolous job, but the investment paid off: [...]

What year are we really in?

7 January 2020|

Today you woke up thinking you are in 2020, right? That’s not totally true… According to, there are approximately 40 different calendars worldwide... but, the most used ones are 3: the Gregorian, the [...]

  • Una colorida variedad de muestras apiladas de cerámica esmaltada, mostrando un espectro de tonos y texturas

Better be tickled pink than browned off

29 December 2019|

The way different cultures see and describe the meaning of colour varies dramatically around the world. Also the way we use the colours in our language: I’m sure you had, at least once in your [...]

  • Delantal naranja para hacer cerámica junto a otras herramientas

Orange is the new black

1 April 2019|

It all started at a restaurant in Geneva, back in 2004. Martin and I lived in Lausanne (Switzerland) and decided to play “tourist” and spend a  weekend in Geneva (like 40 minutes by train [...]